The following is the Termly Calendar of Events for Kiddycare School for the current Academic Year.
Time: 7:30am
KAS Club Commences
Time: 2:00pm
1st Observation
Time: 1:00pm
1st Assessment
Time: 8:00am
1st Chapel
Time: 12:00pm
Inter Club Challenge
Time: 12:00pm
2nd Observation
Time: 1:00pm
Progress Forum
Time: 11:00am
Mid-Term Break
Time: 8:00am
School reopens from Mid-Term/Return of Booklet
Time: 7:30am
2nd Assessment
Time: 8:00am
Inter Club Challenge
Time: 12:00pm
Pray For Your child's campaign
Time: 9:00am
3rd Observation
Time: 1:00pm
3rd Assessment
Time: 8:45am
Examination Begins
Time: 7:30am
3rd Chapel
Time: 12:00pm
Examination begins
Time: 7:30am
Cultural Day/ Vacation
Time: 8:00am
Pick up of Results
Time: 8:00am